Monday, May 22, 2006

Cold, Wet and Windy

We said bye to Sydney on a perfect day. Got a look look over Sydney and the rest of Australia as we flew over sunny skies. On the left is a photo of Sydney as we took a right turn from Kurnell. You can see the airport on the top right.

First of all goto give full marks to Singapore Airlines. Great food, great service. Couldn't complain. Didnt get much sleep though. But what can you expect sitting in a seat with enough leg room for a 12 year old.

We came for the London experience and thats what we got. Weather has been pretty dreary but hey...its London.

Spent Friday exploring London with Steve. We discovered the underground. I can see now why people say Sydney transport is so bad. Havent had to wait more that 3 minutes for a train yet. Best thing since sliced bread. Had a quick look around some of the sights, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Houses of Parliment, but well get a closer look on monday.

Spent the whole of Saturday at the British Musem. That place is unbelievable. The amount of stuff there just blows your mind. Some things make you wonder just how they managed to scam priceless monuments and artifacts for the museum. Anyway its just amazing what a collection they have.

Got a bit sick though that night. Spent the rest of the next day in bed. YUK! But should be right to see the sights on Monday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey James.
Sounds like you've had good 'looking-round-museums' weather in London Town.
If its any comfort the weather here is not much different at momento.
Btw... what was King Georges favourite colour?