Saturday, June 10, 2006

More Moors

The next day we went to Huesca in the province of Granada. We went to check out an old Moorish castle called Alhambra. It was used as a summer residence by the Moors and its pretty huge. Some of the buildings aswell are quite stunning. Especially when it comes to the detail in the arches and hallways in the buildings. Its impressive how much detail the Moors put into their buildings. Entire walls would be covered in decorative writing and patterns that really make interesting viewing. There are acually a number of big buildings/castles in the area, so you could easily make a day of it.


Anonymous said...

Heya :) Thanks for the updates, the photos look great. Wonder how many photos you guys have collectively took? Are you meeting up with NayNay as well? Say "HI" to them for me :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Boys,
First time we've seen your blog site... very impressed and we're Jealous :). It's good to hear you're all having a great time. See ya soon.... that's if you decide to come back!
Maz and Steve

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous!! We love mediterranean garden influences!!!