Sunday, February 11, 2007

Might and Power

Before any of you look at the date on this post.. I know. Its been months since we got back home but for the sake of completing this blog for this trip, Im finally going to add the last few days.

For those of you that like history or the impressively grandiose, Rome is the city for you. Paris is probably the most ascethically pleasing city we went to but Rome is probably the most impressive. Huge monuments, statues of all the Roman heroes and structures dating back thousands of years are just a few of the things youll find in Rome.

Its almost a mythical city that has its roots buried thousands of years in the past. The number of structures and building that have stood the test of time is amazing.

The Colosseum was a big highlight. You can just imagine the masses of people and the incredible violence that occurred in this place. The sheer enormity is amazing too. The first time you see it is one of those defining moments on a trip like this. Something you never forget.

Another favourite was the Monument to Vittorio Emmanuele II. An enormous flight of steps, flanked with winged lions and two bronze 'Vittorie', leads to the altar of the Italian land. It shows high-reliefs by Angelo Zanelli, in the middle of which, you can admire the Rome statue. In the middle of this monument there is the gigantic equestrian statue of king Victor Emmanuel II. In terms of sheer size and grandeur, I can hardly think of another building that matches it (except for maybe the Colosseum). By the way they are literally down the road from each other. You can see one from the other.

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