Thursday, October 04, 2007


Well this is somewhat belated since were back home already but heres to finishing things you said you would do....even if its late.

Anyhow.... WOW!!!

Hawaii is awesome! I'd always thought that Hawaii was kinda overrated. You always hear so many people rave on about it...but now that I have experienced it, I got to say its something special. No wonder everyone talks about how nice this place is.

Waterfalls, volcanoes, dramatic ocean side mountains, crystal clear waters on a soft carpet of sand, the list goes on. Some of the nicest scenery you could see...and some really nice people too!

This is the view from Pali Lookout (about 30 mins from Honolulu) looking towards the windward coast of the island of Oahu. If the jagged mountains look familiar, you've probably been watching Lost. Much of it was filmed in and around Oahu.

After a full thursday in Sydney and then a 9 hour flight, the first day was a killer. But well worth the bleary-eyed car ride to see Oahu. The north shore of Oahu is very picturesque. As you drive around the bays you can just imagine the way these islands forced their way out of the ocean in an explosion of rock. Each winter the north shore serves up huge world famous waves for you to contemplate breaking your legs on. We even made it the assembly hall to see John and Christie Wong. Thats our car in the background slowly oozing out coolant. Thats what happens when you got the air-con running in a car with 5 people in 35 degree weather. Nice. Shaved ice at Matsumoto's was a nice stop! Thanks to Myra for picking us up from the airport and taking us around!

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