Monday, May 28, 2012

Bay Area

First stop after Yosemite was to Boudins in San Francisco for clam chowder. Well worth making the trip. It always seems to be windy around there but it makes a steaming hot bowl of clam chowder that much better.

A short walk from there is pier 39 to check out the shops and the seals sunning themselves around the pier.

San Jose gave us a chance to catch our breath a little and slow down the pace of our trip a little. We got together with the family at Jeff and Leah's place in San Jose for an awesome BBQ and spent the next day around Monterey and Carmel with the Laigos and Woodings. It was nice to catch up with everyone again at Uncle Jun's place. Thanks to Allan and Christina for letting us stay over!

We didn't get to go to Monterey Bay Aquarium last time so it was a treat to look through the aquarium. The aquarium is visually stunning, especially the way the tanks are lit up to almost make it feel like you are under the ocean with these creatures. The array of jellyfish and sea horses are particularly mesmerizing. For those who love cute and cuddly things, the otters provide endless fun as they swim and play in their enclosure. You can get your hands dirty too in the touch pools where you can touch sea cucumbers and baby sting rays.

Show off.

This jellyfish looks like its imploding.

Hours of fun with the otters.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Love has transformed herself in time as one of Israelites passing the Red Sea with wall of water in either side!!