Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Branching Out

Next we were headed to New York but had a couple of stops to make before that.

First up Canada Bethel. Canada prints magazines for North America so it has a 700 strong Bethel family. Ivy gave us a great tour which even included supper! The surroundings of course we're beautifully kept. Something which really impresses is just how much effort goes into maintaining and cleaning the buildings and gardens, all on the back of volunteers. You wouldn't see it anywhere else. If course it snows a ton in Canada so everything is connected by underground walkways so they can still get around in winter.

We made a quick stop at Niagara Falls which is amazing to look at from a distance but you really got to get up close to where it falls off to see how scary it is. It really speeds up near the edge. Also expect to get wet from the spray. All part of the experience.

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