Monday, June 29, 2009

More in NY and something in New Jersey

The Stanley theatre in Jersey City was opened in 1928 and featured music, live performances of many popular artists and movies until 1978 when it was closed down. It was run down until it was bought and renovated into an Assembly Hall in 1983-85. The copper facade had been covered in many layers of thick paint which was stripped down to reveal the stunning font awning as shown below. Unfortunately we couldnt really have a good look inside since there was a convention in progress.

The following photos are of Grand Central Station in NY. When you look from the top of the stairs it just looks like a mass of ants hurriedly looking to reach their destinations. Security at a place like this is always to the forefront with Marines wielding automatic rifles patrolling the station.

The 44 platforms are the most of any station in the world.

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