Saturday, June 20, 2009

City of Angels

Someone in LA REALLY likes palm trees. They are everywhere. Its kinda cool how where ever you go you can see the top of the palm trees. Especially as you drive down one of the many 10-12 lane freeways. Much like Sydney, people tend to drive everywhere. Public transport is not one of its strengths. Way cheaper than in Sydney though which was great. It only cost us US$1.25 to catch the train an hour to Universal Studios.

Thankfully we had wonderful guests to helps us get around. The Washingtons were fantastic hosts for us. On the first day We went for a drive with Reginald to Santa Monica on the north west of Los Angeles. Nice area. You can walk up the promenade just behind the beach where there are lots of shops you can browse through and restaurants you can stop at. We had pizza for lunch and cruised by some of the beaches up here....We found an indian guy playing the sitar on the promenade in amongst the palm trees in front of a dinosaur was like eating neapolitan ice cream...a bit of everything.

That night Deb and Angela took us out to Hollywood! Thanks guys :) We walked down the Hollywood walk of fame and explored all the hand and footprints at Grauman's Chinese Theater. Apparently the footprints got started when the owner, Sid Grauman, accidentally stepped in wet concrete during its construction in 1922 and the tradition began.

Big lights and big celebrities. Walk down the Hollywood Walk of fame and you will find just about every star you can think of and some who youve never heard of. You can tell the tourists from the locals. All the tourists are the ones looking down at the pavement as they walk through.

We also went past Beverley Hills in the evening. It was kind of eery and quiet. Maybe theyre all too busy enjoying their their money? Or too busy travelling the world making the money? In any case not many of them on the streets of Beverley Hills. At least we had a nice view of the incredible mansions which line the streets of the famous suburb. The houses look nice and it looks like they must pay a truck load of coucil fees because the streets and side walks are immaculate.
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Anonymous said...

Well, MJ was alive when you took the photo!! S&F

James said...
