Saturday, June 20, 2009

Getty Villas

Take a drive up to the northern beaches of Los Angeles and you'll find famous Malibu. Something you probably wouldnt have expected is the Getty Villas. A brand new complex, it recreates what a Roman villa in its hey day would have looked like in Pompey.

Jean Paul Getty is an oil tycoon who had a lifelong interest in ancient art and the villa is packed with artworks and atifacts collected by Getty himself. The buildings and gardens too are recreated in incredible detail. Its kinda seems strange to find a Roman villa tucked into the hills in Malibu but the entire place is designed to transport you into something like an archeological site where you find yourself in another world.

It was nice to spend the day with Joy and even managed to get some great Korean food in Korea town and visit Rodney as well. Thanks Joy!
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1 comment:

Joy Nacion said...

Awesome photo! It was great seeing you guys! Next time we'll have to get more fish cake!