Sunday, June 21, 2009

Red Eye to NY

We caught up with Linda, Deb and Angela again before we flew to New York! Thanks for dinner Linda! We were booked on the 11pm flight from LAX. It took an hour to checkin because some people in front of us had missed their plane (they were 2 hours late) and were furiously trying to get another flight that night (no chance...all the planes were full). After we checkin we discovered out flight was delayed half an hour, due to bad weather in NY...anyways to cut a long story short we took off from LA at 1240am. To add to that I was sat next to a particularly large man so I couldnt move (seriously...I was leaning against my window the whole flight). Good thing is I was so tired by then that I slept most of the 5 hour flight. We arrived in NY at 930am the next day.

Just a side note: I bought a ice cream cone at McDonalds. 99c. What a rip. 30c at Macca's in Australia.


sarah said...

Been waiting for your next report. All i can say everytime is "wish was there too". Anyway all seems well and fun overthere and we've been having non stop rain since you left...

James said...

I heard its cold over there...*shiver*...its been over 40 here in Nevada!