Monday, July 06, 2009

San Francisco Part 1

Uncle Edgar and Aunt Aida took us around San Francisco for a day. Thank you! Its only a small city in relation to other cities in the USA but there are heaps of things to do! Its also one of the most liberal cities in the world having a very high gay population. In fact there was a gay parade while we were there. Its also really cold in San Francisco. It can be upto 20 degrees colder than San Jose on the same day which is amazing.

Near the Golden Gate Bridge you will find the Palace of Fine Arts which is built in a Greek/Roman style which was originally built for the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition. There is now an interactive science museum inside.

San Francisco's most famous landmark: The Golden Gate Bridge. Built in 1937 to withstand earthquakes and high winds, it was painted orange so that they could see it more easily in foggy conditions. The bridge spans 1280 metres and is 227 metres high. Apparently it is the most popular place for suicides in the USA and thus there is a special phone on the bridge to help people who are considering suicide on the bridge.

Lombard St: The crookedest street in the world.

Food watch: Clam Chowder and sour dough bread at Boudin's. So good.

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