Tuesday, July 07, 2009

San Francisco Part 2 - Cable Cars

Uncle Jun and Aunt Coring took us to Japanese for lunch first up which was a very nice start :)

We paid a visit to the Cable Car Museum which was great because 1. it was free and 2. it showed us how these cars have been operating for over a hundred years. Did you know: There are 4 cables which pull these cable cars up and down SF's famous hilly streets. In fact all 4 cables intersect underneath the museum and are pulled all around the city from here. You can even go down and have a look. Lots of interesting stuff about the great earthquake and fire in 1906 and the effect on the city and the cable car infrastructure.

The cable cars do a U-turn at the end of the line on a revolving piece of track which the workers push around.

We also had a chance to check out the Golden Gate bridge from the northern end of the bridge. Very pretty.

One of the steep streets on the cable car route. You can see Alcatraz in the bay in the distance.

We had a chance to catch up with most of the family at Alan and Michelle's place afterwards for dinner which was nice. I like the fish tank :) I think Im getting the hang of remembering everyone now....slowly.
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